Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 3

Parts 1 and 2 are linked here if you need to catch up.

After another crappy nap I was trying to rouse myself for a big night. I was finally going to get to see MC Chris and Cybertronic Spree. I’d missed them both in past years due to Dave’s game shows (not that I’m complaining), and was happy for the chance to see them this year. Sharron and I made our way back to the Classic track room to meet the gang before the premiere of Troublemaker. I had been around for the Dragon Con portion of the filming two years ago, and spent several hours with filmmaker Jason C. Wilson chasing Dave around the convention area. Dave was pretty booked that weekend so what should have been nice strolls between locations was a mad dash from one hotel to the next – often with Wilson and I left behind. While I wasn’t there for his near-death experience; I saw things that weekend man, and was looking forward to the fruits of that labor. I have to admit that when Dave told me I was on a Q&A panel after the movie I was a little intimidated. I don’t have anything to do with anything (see my profile in “Who’s Nobody”). Jason and Dave did all the work here, and I didn’t do anything but run around like a jerk at Dragon Con. It was, in fact, quite a good movie. Not that I’d thought it would be bad, but it was seriously good and funny and heartwarming. Dave told me to be prepared to sign autographs after the panel, but I kind of thought he was kidding. If I was weird when I signed your movie poster I apologize. I’m just not as cool as I pretend to be. Maybe someday…
Continue reading “Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 3”

Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 2

If you’re late to the party you should check out part 1 of my recap.

With the main panel I wanted to see out of my reach I instead took advantage of my room, and lounged around getting ready to face the day. As well as prepared to face the public. On to my first panel of the day: Geek Year 1989 on the American Sci-Fi Classics track. It was a Needless Things presents panel so Dave, Nicole, Rebeccah Wood, and I were on with special guests Jon Carr and Gary Mitchell. Dave records everything so I’m sure you’ll get some audio on both of our panels from Friday. You can also hear Nicole and I get publicly shamed for not following through with the costumes Dave requested we bring for a “bit” he wanted to do. Dave just loves his bits. This one was tough for me since I had just done the 1989 podcast a few months ago. Two of my top picks were Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and UHF. Not only could I not reuse my podcast picks, but I was doing individual panels on both of them for the Classic track later in the weekend. So I had come up with all new things. It was a real head scratcher, and a good way to start off my panel filled con though.
Continue reading “Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 2”

Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 1

Ah Dragon Con. There really isn’t anything else like it. Granted I’ve never been to Comic Con or anything else that big, but I have been to some smaller cons. I guess most cons are smaller compared to Dragon Con. This was my 6th year getting a media badge, but my first year getting a hotel in the convention area so I was extremely excited. Showers and naps on demand are the most wonderful thing in the world. I didn’t stay in a host hotel so it was quiet(er), but that also meant we didn’t have raves happening below us at five in the morning. I had such a great hotel experience that I’m already on their list for a room for next year. If I had a first born child I might consider parting with it to stay in a hotel at Dragon Con again. It was that great. I’m not going to tell you which hotel because I want it to stay quiet as long as possible, but with over a 6% growth in attendance this year I don’t think any hotel will be quiet for too much longer. Continue reading “Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 1”

Dragon Con 2019 – It’s Never Over

Thus begins the first in what will be a long series of Dragon Con wrap-ups. But I just got home Monday afternoon, and went straight back to work Tuesday morning. I was on six panels, went to a movie premiere, dressed up twice (I can’t call an old Halloween costume and a Harry Potter robe cosplay), played wacky Japanese video games, saw two bands, spent a small fortune on a hotel room, saw a lot of great people that I don’t see nearly often enough, made some new friends, and partied like it was 1999. I’m beat, and there’s a lot to process over the next several days as I get my recaps underway. So let’s get official stuff and press releases out of the way this week. There’s lots more to come… Continue reading “Dragon Con 2019 – It’s Never Over”

Dragon Con 2019 – There’s an App for That

As of this writing the app came out yesterday afternoon. I haven’t even gone through it all with a fine tooth comb yet, but I’ve already got myself scheduled for more things than I can do. I’m actually on seven panels this year, and there are many others that I want to see. I haven’t even included time for things like Gnoll and I breaking out our Team Rocket costumes or just generally hanging around “the spot” with friends in a non-panel setting. For the first time ever I’ve given in and gotten a hotel room. It’s going to be pricey, but when I take a nap or get to sleep late it’ll all be worth it. Just remembering the trials and tribulations of taking MARTA last year makes it cheap at (almost) any price. Since this is my last post until after Dragon Con I’m going to fill it up with everything I’m going to do, would like to do, and just think sounds cool even if I know I probably won’t make it to. Please remember to update your app frequently for any important time or location changes. And just to make it extra easy for you to find me – the panels I’m on are highlighted in a fancy color. I mean, if you think blue is fancy I guess. Continue reading “Dragon Con 2019 – There’s an App for That”

Dragon Con 2019 – Press Release and Big Guests

Well, it’s just over a month until Dragon Con. What does that mean? First, it means that I need to start drinking Emergen-C right freaking now. It also means that there are some status reports, updates, and press releases I need to get out into the world. Guests are still being added, and track schedules are far from finalized (drink if you even thought about asking when the app would be updated). There are still lots of exciting things that we do know so far. I’m gonna clear out a few updates and press releases before getting into the guests I really want to see this year. So much going on, and so little time before the party starts. I can’t believe that this will be my fifth year as a Dragon Con reporter. It seems like just yesterday I was taking “calming” shots to settle my nerves before my first interview. My nerves still get a little shaky even after all this time. So if you go to an early or mid-day panel where I’m speaking give me a big thumbs up for not dropping an f-bomb in front of your kid. Continue reading “Dragon Con 2019 – Press Release and Big Guests”

Convention Recap: The 2019 Augusta Toy and Comic Show

NOTE: After coming back into work after ten days off, there was no way I could get July’s Previews post done by today. So that’ll be up next week.

As regular readers know, Phantom, Jr. and I attended The Augusta Toy and Comic Show a couple of weekends ago. It was an absolutely fantastic experience, so I wanted to share some of the highlights with you guys. Continue reading “Convention Recap: The 2019 Augusta Toy and Comic Show”

2019 Augusta Toy and Comic Show

Just a couple of months ago I stumbled across the website for the Augusta Toy and Comic Show.

I was planning a trip to Wilmington, North Carolina to see my family and just happened to notice something about this convention on Facebook. I thought “Hmmm, June” and then I thought “Oh – Augusta” and checked the dates just to see if anything lined up. Sure enough, this show takes place the weekend we were going to be leaving for Wilmington. And Augusta, if you don’t know, is in between Atlanta and Wilmington.

Continue reading “2019 Augusta Toy and Comic Show”

MomoCon 2019 – What to Do

I love MomoCon.

Most of the guests and programming aren’t necessarily geared towards my interests. The average attendee age is probably young enough to be my child. I know very few people who go, so there’s not exactly a ton of folks to hang out with.

The energy at MomoCon, however, is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

You guys know I’m a Dragon Con guy. But that’s a whole different beast. The energy at MomoCon is vital and positive in a completely unique way. The array of gamers, cosplayers, anime fans, and genre enthusiasts of every stripe all exude this powerful force of goodwill. There’s a sense of love and hope in the air that is energizing and wonderful.

You guys – people are dancing everywhere. It’s great. Continue reading “MomoCon 2019 – What to Do”