Needless Things Podcast 319 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Original Toys


It’s time to look back at the original – and best – line of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Your host Dave and special guest Chris DePetrillo from Figures Toy Company share their memories of the groundbreaking toy line that began in 1988. From wacky figures to radical vehicles to awesome playsets, few toy lines have presented as much creativity and variety.

Listen in as Dave and Chris share their top Turtles toys on the newest episode of the Needless Things Podcast!

Be sure to join the Needless Things Podcast Facebook Group and get in on the conversation for this week’s episode! Let us know what you think!

Procrastibate” by 

You can follow Dave as Phantom Troublemaker on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for all the latest on pop culture!

Hungry for more movies, music, and pop culture? Visit the Needless Things Archives for a decade of dorkery!

Needless Things Podcast 318 – Needless Q&A May 2020


Huge thanks to the Phantomaniacs for helping out with a ton of great questions!

Dave answers a wide spectrum of questions about toys, movies, music, and all manner of pop culture dorkery on the newest episode of the Needless Things Podcast!

Be sure to join the Needless Things Podcast Facebook Group and get in on the conversation for this week’s episode! Let us know what you think!

Procrastibate” by 

You can follow Dave as Phantom Troublemaker on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for all the latest on pop culture!

Hungry for more movies, music, and pop culture? Visit the Needless Things Archives for a decade of dorkery!

Needless Things Podcast 317 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Needless Commentary


Part of an ongoing series – the Needless Things Irregulars gather in the Phantom Zone to provide their own unique commentary on classic genre films!

The Needless Commentary Team experience the greatest comic-to-lie action adaptation of all time as they watch 1990’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Listen in as Dave, Arian, and the Cadavers have a shell of a good time on the newest episode of the Needless Things Podcast!

Be sure to join the Needless Things Podcast Facebook Group and get in on the conversation for this week’s episode! Let us know what you think!

Procrastibate” by 

You can follow Dave as Phantom Troublemaker on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for all the latest on pop culture!

Hungry for more movies, music, and pop culture? Visit the Needless Things Archives for a decade of dorkery!