Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 2

If you’re late to the party you should check out part 1 of my recap.

With the main panel I wanted to see out of my reach I instead took advantage of my room, and lounged around getting ready to face the day. As well as prepared to face the public. On to my first panel of the day: Geek Year 1989 on the American Sci-Fi Classics track. It was a Needless Things presents panel so Dave, Nicole, Rebeccah Wood, and I were on with special guests Jon Carr and Gary Mitchell. Dave records everything so I’m sure you’ll get some audio on both of our panels from Friday. You can also hear Nicole and I get publicly shamed for not following through with the costumes Dave requested we bring for a “bit” he wanted to do. Dave just loves his bits. This one was tough for me since I had just done the 1989 podcast a few months ago. Two of my top picks were Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and UHF. Not only could I not reuse my podcast picks, but I was doing individual panels on both of them for the Classic track later in the weekend. So I had come up with all new things. It was a real head scratcher, and a good way to start off my panel filled con though.
Continue reading “Beth’s Dragon Con Recap – Part 2”

Beth’s Very Best of 2018

Looking back on the year, and on our recap podcast, I think I can now safely say that The Good Place was my very favorite thing. How can a show that started in 2016 be my favorite thing of 2018? Because it’s still on, that’s how! I expect things that are awesome to get canceled. It’s why I don’t get too attached to lipstick colors. The minute you fall in love it’ll be discontinued. I’m sure there is some dude equivalent that you guys can relate to. You can read the rest of my recap or listen to the podcast, but I had a lot of favorites to choose from. The Good Place is getting it’s very own thing now because it’s fantastic, and not enough people watch it. Season 3 just finished, and it’s been renewed for season 4. I’m concerned about the future of this show though. It may be a critical darling, but ratings aren’t great. So if you’re not watching then let me try and convince you to start. Continue reading “Beth’s Very Best of 2018”

Beth’s Best of 2018

I’m back baby! That was an extended hiatus, but the end of 2018/start of 2019 was horrible for me. Sickness and death, and all manner of garbage. Seems like a good time to finally post my 2018 recap and put the year behind me. We’ve done the podcast, but given the number of people that were on (and the way that Dave looked at me for talking about Star Wars as I did) now is my chance to elaborate. There are also some things that came out in 2018 that I hadn’t seen when we recorded so I can talk about those now too. Plus, with everything that’s happened since, that podcast seems like it was recorded a lifetime ago. So here’s my good, meh, and ugly from 2018 in no particular order. Sorry if I repeat from the podcast, but I promise it’ll be worth reading even if you’ve already listened. Well, I promise it’ll have enough differences or new content. I never promise that I’ll write something worth reading. Continue reading “Beth’s Best of 2018”